Sync YouTube Analytics with Excel to automate your reporting tasks and streamline workflow. With Vaizle’s no-code connector tool, you can cut down on manual data handling and dedicate more time to uncovering valuable insights.
Faster report generation
Hours saved weekly
Increase in engagement
Trusted by 10,517+ marketing professionals
No credit card required
Industry Leaders Worldwide
Step 1
Go to and create a new Excel file.
Step 2
Now, copy the sheet link.
Step 3
Go to the Vaizle YouTube Analytics to MS Excel Connector and click on the ‘Sign in with Google’ button. Enter your account credentials.
Step 4
Give access to Vaizle to carry out the data transfer without any hassle.
Step 5
From the dropdown menu, select the YouTube channel for which you want to export data and click on ‘Analyze.’
Step 6
Enter the data destination by pasting the Excel sheet link and specifying the sheet name.
Step 7
Finally, click on the ‘Export to MS Excel’ button. You will see that the data for the last 30 days has been automatically transferred to the Excel sheet.
Vaizle has saved me countless hours that I’d otherwise spend making Excel reports. Now, I can easily get all Ads data in a spreadsheet and share them with my team for further analysis.
Tanzil Rayan
With Vaizle’s YouTube Analytics to MS Excel connector tool, you can easily automate data-importing tasks and create custom reports for your team. As such, you can track the real-time performance of your YouTube channel.
What’s next for your channel’s content strategy? Answer all such crucial questions by leveraging your channel’s data. Analyze past content performance to identify successful trends and accordingly plan your future content.
Vaizle lets you keep your team in the loop and transfer YouTube analytics data to an MS Excel spreadsheet. As such, you can ensure that everyone stays on the same page and makes informed decisions together.
Vaizle gets your YouTube Analytics data in an Excel spreadsheet–all with a single click. Simply log in with your Google account, enter the Sheet link, and get real-time data updates in MS Excel.
Analyze your YouTube channel in-depth to identify areas for improvement and work accordingly.
Vaizle is just what you need to save marketing hours. Initially, my team was manually collecting and analyzing data for social media profiles. But after trying out a couple of free tools, I upgraded to a paid plan. Now, I save at least 2-3 hours per day on social media analysis and our content performance is better than ever
Matt Lewandowski
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Vaizle is an AI-powered marketing analytics tool with features like social media benchmarking & reporting, ad analysis, competitive social media analysis, and ads to Google Sheets connectors. Vaizle is designed for startups and enterprises needing actionable insights in the simplest possible manner.
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